Insights from my Seeing Repatterning

I lead the way for others. My new mantra.  But not in the way that I would have chanted it a few days ago, before completing the Resonance Repatterning® Seeing Repatterning.  As a Holistic Healing Coach working with clients who are searching for their passions, are in a life transition, or wanting to “find themselves,” I would have translated “I lead the way for others” as facilitating their inner shifts with new perspectives and tools to help them center, get clear and move forward with passion.  I love doing that!  Well, now I have experienced an inner shift for myself and lead the way for others has taken on an additional meaning: living by example. Not suggesting, not urging, not cheerleading, but simply going about living my own life as passionately, freely and enthusiastically as I am able.

In the Seeing Repatterning I was jolted awake by the realization that a small part of me believed that in order to fully blossom into my Wholeness I would need to be on my own.  That unwelcome mind-blower came with the realization of how often I had noticed (mainly) women who have “come alive” after divorce or even after their spouse had died. To use the vernacular of my dear British friend, “I bloody well am not waiting for that!” And I don’t mean that in a defiant way.  I have had nothing but encouragement and support from my husband and children.  What a disservice to me and them not to continue to step into my expanded self here and now!

I must stress at this point that I am not moving from a depressed, constricted state into a taste of freedom. Been there, done that at times, those states stemming completely from my own patterns. I am now moving from a blessed, supported, and yes, fortunate state into a fuller version of me.  I lead the way for others by expressing myself freely, unapologetically, compassionately, and creatively for no one else but myself. In so doing, I show up more fully, more appealingly, more helpfully, more availably for those I love, anyone I meet, my clients and for the world. I consider that a gift to us all!

A practical application, you ask? Anytime I feel overwhelmed by “stuff” I have put on my own plate, or find myself pushing to the background those things that are rising creatively within me, I will repeat:  I lead the way for others and make my next move from that understanding.  My (our) patterns are strong and mostly unconscious.  I’m giving myself some space and time as I may fall back into those that are so well rehearsed.  This mantra and my self-session will chip away at them as I continue my repatterning challenge…

What ever will the next one uncover?!

About Georgia LaCroix

Georgia LaCroix, CMT, Holistic Healing Coach, combines coaching and integrative healing skills to offer her clients and students avenues through which they can become empowered, come into awareness of their Wholeness and move forward to experience practical, full, productive, creative and joy-filled lives. Georgia teaches Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), and facilitates workshops designed to help individuals break through their blocks and move forward! A Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Consulting Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher, IET® Master Instructor, Certified Soul DetectiveTM, Resonance Repatterning® Student Practitioner and practitioner in several other modalities, Georgia has 25 years of extensive study and experience in the fields of bodywork, energy healing and coaching.
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1 Response to Insights from my Seeing Repatterning

  1. Ardis Ozborn says:

    Beautiful Georgia! Walking our talk is our greatest challenge and gift to others. Keep up the great progress! Ardis

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